Top 10 GPT-3 Tools for Developers

Are you a developer looking to harness the power of GPT-3? Look no further! In this article, we'll be exploring the top 10 GPT-3 tools for developers. From chatbots to language models, these tools will help you take your development skills to the next level.

1. OpenAI API

First on our list is the OpenAI API. This is the official API for GPT-3, and it's the most comprehensive tool available for developers. With the OpenAI API, you can access all of GPT-3's features, including natural language processing, text generation, and more. The API is easy to use and comes with extensive documentation, making it a great choice for developers of all skill levels.

2. Hugging Face Transformers

Next up is Hugging Face Transformers. This is a popular library for natural language processing, and it includes support for GPT-3. With Hugging Face Transformers, you can easily integrate GPT-3 into your projects and take advantage of its powerful text generation capabilities. The library is open source and has a large community of contributors, making it a great choice for developers who want to collaborate with others.

3. GPT-3 Playground

If you're looking for a more user-friendly way to experiment with GPT-3, the GPT-3 Playground is a great option. This web-based tool allows you to input text and generate responses from GPT-3 in real-time. You can also adjust the settings to fine-tune the output and get the results you want. The GPT-3 Playground is a great way to get started with GPT-3 without having to write any code.

4. AI Dungeon

AI Dungeon is a text-based adventure game that uses GPT-3 to generate the story and dialogue. As a developer, you can use AI Dungeon to experiment with GPT-3 and see how it performs in a real-world scenario. You can also customize the game and create your own adventures, making it a fun and engaging way to learn about GPT-3.

5. GPT-3 Sandbox

The GPT-3 Sandbox is another web-based tool that allows you to experiment with GPT-3. It includes a variety of pre-built templates and examples that you can use to get started quickly. You can also create your own templates and share them with others. The GPT-3 Sandbox is a great way to explore the capabilities of GPT-3 and see how it can be used in different contexts.

6. GPT-3 Explorer

The GPT-3 Explorer is a tool that allows you to explore the capabilities of GPT-3 in a more structured way. It includes a variety of prompts and examples that you can use to generate text and see how GPT-3 responds. You can also adjust the settings to fine-tune the output and get the results you want. The GPT-3 Explorer is a great way to learn about GPT-3 and see how it can be used in different contexts.

7. GPT-3 CLI

If you prefer working with the command line, the GPT-3 CLI is a great option. This tool allows you to interact with GPT-3 using simple commands, making it easy to integrate into your workflow. You can use the GPT-3 CLI to generate text, summarize articles, and more. The tool is open source and has a large community of contributors, making it a great choice for developers who want to collaborate with others.

8. GPT-3 WordPress Plugin

If you're a WordPress developer, the GPT-3 WordPress Plugin is a great way to integrate GPT-3 into your website. The plugin allows you to generate text and summaries directly from your WordPress dashboard, making it easy to create content quickly. You can also customize the output and fine-tune the settings to get the results you want. The GPT-3 WordPress Plugin is a great way to enhance your website and provide a better user experience.

9. GPT-3 Slackbot

If you use Slack for communication, the GPT-3 Slackbot is a great way to integrate GPT-3 into your workflow. The Slackbot allows you to generate text and summaries directly from Slack, making it easy to communicate with your team and create content quickly. You can also customize the output and fine-tune the settings to get the results you want. The GPT-3 Slackbot is a great way to enhance your communication and collaboration with your team.

10. GPT-3 Chrome Extension

Last but not least, the GPT-3 Chrome Extension is a great way to integrate GPT-3 into your browsing experience. The extension allows you to generate text and summaries directly from your browser, making it easy to research and create content quickly. You can also customize the output and fine-tune the settings to get the results you want. The GPT-3 Chrome Extension is a great way to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow.


In conclusion, these are the top 10 GPT-3 tools for developers. From the official OpenAI API to user-friendly web-based tools, these tools will help you take your development skills to the next level. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, there's a tool on this list that will help you harness the power of GPT-3. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring these tools today and see what GPT-3 can do for you!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed